Sunday, November 30, 2008

Another One

So I feel like I've lost another good soul in my life. Whether it be fault of their ignorance or they're poor decision.
Drugs are not for little kids. They shouldn't be for anybody. I'm not talking about little drugs like the occasion weed, alcohol, ecstasy....I'm talking about when you see fourteen year old junkies shooting up heroin behind a trash can, when sixteen year old kids come around with blood pooring off of their faces, completely coked out. When seventeen year olds break into houses to smoke crack. When fifteen year old girls sell themselves to their meth addicted boyfriends.
They lose their ability to love, to learn, to respect, to appreciate, to care. The only thing left if their lives are drugs. Drugs do nothing but steal from you. They steal your money, your feelings, your job, your family, you youth, your body, your entire life. And for what?
You will have no ability to make educated choices, you will look disgusting, you will have to resort to things you'd never consider thinking about before, so you can have money and eventually drugs.
So why do people swear themselves against it, and them make friends deep into the scene? Why do they watch their best friends disappear right before their eyes, watch them escorted to prison, to rehab, and back again, in an endless cycle.
Sobriety is something that is so rarely valued in people my age, and although I appreciate the occasional altered consciousness I will never resort to anything that didn't come directly from the ground. I can not stress enough how disgusting and horrible man made drugs are, as they deteriorate your skin and triple your aging process, as they devour your brain and melt you the point of stupidity. And then when you have nothing left you either stop or you die, and you're never the same again. You constantly fight against your drug addicted person and it changes you.
Who in their right mind would want to start that?

And addiction isn't the only reason not to do drugs all the time. Drugs are irresponsible, as teenagers we have things we're supposed to be learning to succeed in life, and priorities and controlling ourselves is part of that. If you're constantly drugged up you can't keep up your responsibilities in any way shape or form. You constantly get in trouble and you slowly lose what makes you you.
So, yeah, a few hours of a good time is nice, but it has a tendency to go WAY TO FAR with people and I'm fucking sick of it. Fuck these pot smoking thizz popping kids.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

What it Means

People have such warped and stupid ideas of what is open minded and what isn't.

I'm closed minded because I don't believe that when I get a job my money should be taken and given to people who don't work or give anything back to the community. I'm closed minded because I think that socialism is a horrible idea, because it would suppress the arts and skill in our society, and stifle the satisfaction of working for what you've got, rather than having mediocre things handed out to everyone, no matter how well they do in the work place.

I'm open minded because I think that if someone was born the wrong sex, every step to make them more comfortable in their own skin should be taken without hesitation.

I'm open minded because I think people should be able to marry who ever they want.

So, according to popular belief, any consevative outlook is closed minded, and any liberal outlook is openminded. Being religious makes you close minded, because of the stereotype that loving god means hating everyone else. However, there are very many god loving people who are open to accepting everyone, and who believe that god loves transgendered people, straight people, men, woman, children, intersex people, gay people, etc. equally. A good example of this are diests. Diests USUALLY don't believe that fornicating, masturbating, or marrying a member of the same sex will condemn you to the fiery pits of hell. Diests believe that god created the world (whether it started with humans or just tiny microscopic things is contraversial), then kicked back in a comfy arm chair and watched it unfold in to what it is today. This means he isn't up in some kingdom in the sky, making a list, checking it twice and deciding who's rotting in hell.

I believe in god. It's probable that some day I will stop saying I do. I do not think god is perfect. I do not think he's never made a mistake. Perhaps transgender, homosexuality, serial killers, rapists, etc. are the fault of god, if they are in fact a fault at all.
Homosexuality and transsexuality/transgender has been proven to be found in nature all the time. This means that it has nothing to do with environment, how one was raised, or who their parents are. It is merely the way they were born and the way they will always be.

So, I haven't quite decided if I should consider myself close minded and be proud, or consider myself open minded and be proud. Neither of these titles should exist. I am entitled to all of my opinions as long as I continue to love and respect others regardless of theirs. I am accept and rejected by a lot of people in the world, and I've come to the conclusion that I don't, and never will need those people in my life. I might be the world's only half-black gay teenage republican musician, but I am 100% in love with that title that I carry.


So, I think it might be possible to get so angry that it's funny.
Like, you finish all of the screaming and the punching of the walls. Then the tears come. Then all of a sudden you start cracking up, and you realize how ridiculous you probably looked to spectators. How much the mosquito flying by you probably laughed when he got home to his nest.

But anger isn't something that just slips away unnoticed anyhow.

However, anger that comes for silly reasons is always completely and utterly hilarious. Like the people who get angry over things that are just part of everyday life, and they complain about things that neither them or anyone around them can control.

But that wasn't the point of this post.
The point of this was to say that when I laugh at my own expense I feel like my right to be angry has been stolen from me. Although, anger is an emotion I perfer to constantly feel, I'd still like to have it when it's owed to me. But when I start laughing at my anger I might as well wave goodbye to it, you know?

This could be looked at as a good thing though. Because when I'm angry I lose my ability to see two sides of a story, and all I care about is how stupid and fucked up and malicious the world is. I kandi stomp around my room and kick everything that gets in my way. Then I bitch out anyone who comes at me with anything nice to say using pointless unrelated ammunition I'd pulled from the sky.
So basically, anger doesn't do anything good for me, but I still want it.
Maybe I'm just stupid. Maybe I'm just crazy. Or maybe I'm both of those things.